
R-Ladies PDX is part of a worldwide organization to promote gender diversity in the R community. We aspire to encourage and support women in Portland interested in learning or sharing their knowledge of R. For more information, contact us at pdx@rladies.org.

R-Ladies PDX seeks to create a space where women are empowered to teach and are comfortable with asking questions. We welcome all those who will help us toward that goal. Individuals who identify as women can be leaders, mentors, and members/attendees; others are welcome to attend as event guests. The R-Ladies Global Code of Conduct can be found here.

About our site

This website was built with ❤️ using the blogdown package by R-Lady Alison Presmanes Hill. View the repository that creates this website on GitHub. The theme was forked from @jrutheiser/hugo-lithium-theme and modified by Yihui Xie.